288 Residensi, Kuala Lumpur
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Maecenas enim velit euismod eu tempor sit amet dictum lorem.
Sepadu Group wishes Happy Malaysia Day to all Malaysians and Happy Holiday to all. Stay Home & Stay Safe. #MalaysiaDay2021 #HappyMalaysiaDay #SelamatHariMalaysia #Sepadu #SepaduGroup #PropertyManagement #FacilityManagement #FacilitiesManagement #BuildingMaintenance
Your Strata Property Development is too small to afford a full time property manager? or Your Gated & Guarded Community has no office to place a property manager? You still need to do billing, collection, pay vendors, do bookkeeping, handle complaints, organize meetings, and more. How about setting up the right tool, system and automating…
Sepadu Group wishes Happy Muharram to all muslims and Happy Holiday to all. Stay Home & Stay Safe. #Muharram2021 #HappyMuharram #Sepadu #SepaduGroup #PropertyManagement #StrataManagement #FacilityManagement
Residents Associations are obliged to do AGM every year as required by Societies Act 1966. Due to the current pandemic situation, Jabatan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan Malaysia (JPPM) whom handles all societies in Malaysia have allowed AGM’s to be conducted virtually and came up with relevant SOP’s to be followed. We at Sepadu are able to follow…
Sepadu Group wishes Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to all muslims and Happy Holiday to all. Stay Home & Stay Safe. #SelamatHariRaya2021 #SelamatHariRayaAidiladha2021 #Sepadu #SepaduGroup #SepaduFM #PropertyManagement #StrataManagement #FacilityManagement
There are many tools out there to conduct Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Strata properties virtually but not all in compliance to the Strata Management Act 2013. Although you may find the right tool, almost all vendors only give you the necessary tool, software/ platform to conduct the general meeting. The challenge of handling the…